Merchandise Best Practices

Essential information to include with your Merchandise offers

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When listing Merchandise on Stellar, we have a few suggestions for important information you should consider including. These items would be listed in the description field where you are also giving details about the item itself.

  • Be clear about shipping timelines. Let your customers know when items will be shipping and approximately how long shipping will take. If you are selling items to be used during the event, let your customers know how far in advance of the event they will ship.
  • List your return policy. Will you allow your customers to return items for exchanges or other reasons? How long do they have to make a return? Whop pays shipping? If you will not be allowing any returns, list that information here.
  • Shipping restrictions. If you will not allow international shipping or have certain items that are not eligible for shipping to certain areas, let your customers know.
  • Additional fees. If the full price of your item does not include shipping, let your customers know.
  • Anything else? Think about other questions that may come up and try to address them in advance.

Here is an example:

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